Candy and Chocolate

Add the finishing touches with candy and chocolate.   These versatile ingredients are a must have in your bakery, cafe, coffee shop, ice cream shop, grocery store, etc.

Add Peanut Butter Cups to your brownies.

Sprinkle Oreo crumbs on top of your ice cream.

Top your chocolate pie with Milk Chocolate curls.

Include Reese Pieces in your E.T. cookies.
Candy and Chocolate

Candy - Health Toffee 10# & 50#
Candy - M&Ms
Candy - Mini M&Ms
Candy - Reese Pieces
Chocolate Curls
Oreo Crumbs, Fine

Cocoa Products

Chocoa Likor (making French Silk Pies)
Cocoa Powder
Cocoa Powder (Dutched)


Caramel Color (liquid - one gallon)
Chocolate, Chips, Chunks, etc.

Caramel Bits
Chips, 4M White Chocolate
Chips, Milk Chocolate, 4M
Chips, 1M & 4M Semi Sweet Chocolate
Chunk, Chocolate, Eden
Chunks, Semi Sweet Chocolate
Chucks, White Chocolate
OBAN Unsweetened Dark Wafers
ORO Bittersweet Ribbon
Semi-sweet Chocolate, 4M

Have questions about specific ingredients? Give us a call (651) 454-0277 and our knowledgeable team is here to provide you with expert answers and guidance!